Privacy Policy

SF Automation Ltd is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy and rights when it comes to information processing. We are committed to maintaining compliance with current data protection legislation, any future legislation that comes into force as and when required, and to maintain transparency about how it processes personal data.

By using this site and our services, you are giving permission to process the use of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy last updated: June 2021

This Privacy Information explains how and why we use your personal data. This includes who has access to your personal information and your rights under the law relating to how your personal information is processed.

Personal data is defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2018/679) (the “GDPR”) as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier’.

Personal data is, in simpler terms, any information about you that enables you to be identified. Personal data covers obvious information such as your name and contact details, but it also covers less obvious information such as identification numbers, electronic location data, and other online identifiers.

This Privacy Policy contains the following;

  • Information about us
  • Personal data collected
  • How we may use your data provided
  • Enquiries
  • Contact made via social media
  • Communications
  • Your Rights.

Information About Us

Company Name: SF Automation Ltd

Limited Company registered in England and Wales, Company Number: 13640684

Registered VAT Number: 393296655

Registered Address: 1 Kent End Field, Ashton Keynes, Wiltshire, SN6 6FB

Contact Telephone Number: 01285 895770

Contact Email Address:


Personal Data Collected

We may collect some of the following information from you;

  • Name
  • Addresses
  • Contact telephone number
  • Contact email address
  • Payment information
  • Sensitive information (we will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent and only disclosed by yourself)

How we may use your data provided

We will only store or transfer your personal data in the UK or EU. This means it will be fully protected under the GRPR.

  • Providing Services/Products: During any takeover/installation/maintenance/repairs/call-outs a ‘technical file’ is created containing vital information of your system. This information is collected as evidence of works conducted and standard governed by DHF. The ‘technical file’ may be used for audits in order to deliver its Certification and Approval;
  • Communication: Contacting you directly via telephone/email/social media platforms
  • Processing Orders/Purchase Orders/Payments: To fulfil an accepted order and completion of works;
  • Content Use: Should SF Automation wish to quote your ‘comment’ or ‘image’ sharing your name or company name to use for marketing purposes, contact will be made first to ask for your permission/explicit consent.

*Please review our ‘Communications’ policy for further details.

We will not share any of your personal data with any third party for any purpose other than the following:

  • Legal proceedings or comply with legal obligations, a court order or the instructions of a government body;
  • Audits conducted by a governing body;
  • If the company is acquired by a third party, in which case personal data will be one of the transferred assets.


You may wish to contact us directly through our website, this will ask for your name, contact number and email address, this information is directed to our secure network which is managed and shared internally within SF Automation. Enquiries can also be sent directly via social media platforms we use; Instagram, Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter and Whatsapp.

You may receive a direct email from SF Automation Ltd relating to your enquiry, alternatively you may receive a direct telephone call. Any information disclosed will be used to provide information directly to you relating to your enquiry. You can also contact us via telephone, letter, email or in person to enquire about our services and products, in this instance you may be required to provide your name, company position, address, contact telephone number, email address, fax number.

Please note you can visit our website without having to inform us of your personal data.

Contact made via social media

You may wish to contact us via social media using the following platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, Whatsapp. Should you wish to send a direct message(s) or enquiries, these communications and responses are managed and shared internally within SF Automation Ltd Management. Responses will be sent with information that you have specifically requested.

Should SF Automation Ltd wish to quote your comment or image sharing your name or company name to use for marketing purposes, contact will be made first to ask for your permission/explicit consent.


SF Automation Ltd work alongside accreditors associated with the Gate Automation Industry, we may be sent general information or information relating to up dated standards and legislation, this may be in the form of a technical update, bulletin, newsletter or any other marketing information. To inform you of vital information or make contact with you directly, we may communicate with you using the following:

  • Telephone call
  • Email
  • Letter
  • Responding on Social Media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Whatsapp).

We may from time to time run promotional offers or competitions, you may be required to provide personal data such as your name, company position, address, contact telephone number, fax number, email address and payment information, this information will be used for the purpose of which you have provided it for.

You do have the option to opt out of receiving this information at any time, however please bare in mind this may mean you are not kept up to date on the important updates or changes.

Personal Data Storage

We will not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary for any other reasons intended for which it was first collected. Your personal data will therefore be kept for the following periods; 5-10 years.

Accessing your Personal Data

Should you wish to contact us regarding your personal data and data protection, including making a ‘subject to access request’, we will aim to respond to you within 1 month of receiving your request. However, for more complex requests, we may require additional time (up to the maximum of 3 months) to complete. You will need to provide us with sufficient evidence about yourself to verify your identity prior to information being released.

Please use the following contact details:

Company Name: SF Automation Ltd
Registered Address: 1 Kent End Field, Ashton Keynes, Wiltshire, SN6 6FB

Contact Telephone Number: 01285 895770

Contact Details:

Your Rights

Under the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the EU and the DPA, you have the right to find out what information is stored about you.

These include the right to:

  • Be informed of how your personal data is being used;
  • Have access to your personal data;
  • Edit any of your data that is held incorrectly;
  • Erase your data held*;
  • Restrict/prevent the processing of your data;
  • Object to your data being used in certain circumstances;
  • Data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services.

*Should you wish to erase your data or restrict how your data is processed by us, this may affect you receiving important updates or information.

To change how your personal data is processed by us or to update your records, please send your requests to us by telephone, email or letter.

Should you feel that you are not satisfied with how your data is being handled or the response received, you have the right to register a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office by contacting them on 0303 123 1113 or visit their website. Further information can be found at your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is regularly reviewed in line with the current legislation, please note this may change from time to time.